Prof.Dr. Sven Walter
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
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From April 2013 until October 2015 I was on research leave, funded by a »Opus Magnum« grant of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. During that time, I was finishing a book project on empirical challenges to free will entitled »Illusion freier Wille? Grenzen einer empirischen Annäherung an ein philosophisches Problem« (for more details, see here).

This project has left me with two unfinished businesses, one philosophical the other empirical.

What remains to be done philosophically is develop in more detail a position on the free will problem that I call »moderately skeptical compatibilist indeterminism«. It is the position of someone who believes that our world is, in all likelihood, indeterministic, but that free will is compatible with determinism. Moreover, the position is moderately skeptical insofar as it holds that the (compatibilist) conditions of free will are not always (completely) fulfilled. Defending this position, which is outlined in the Epilogue of my 2016 book on empirical challenges to free will, is one of the tasks for the upcoming years.

What remains to be done empirically is some experimental work on various (cross-cultural) intuitions regarding free will, determinism and compatibilism. To this end, Achim Stephan and I have started a study project at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück that will start in April 2016 and will run for at least four semesters.

And finally, Achim Stephan and I are still working on our project(s) on situated affectivity.



phone: +49 542 969 3360
fax: +49 541 969 3381
email: mail[at]svenwalter[dot]eu

University of Osnabrück
Institute of Cognitive Science
Albrechtstraße 28, 31/416
D-49069 Osnabrück

Opus Magnum

From April 2013 until October 2015, I was on research leave, funded by an Opus Magnum grant for a project entitled: »Illusion freier Wille? Grenzen einer empirischen Annäherung an ein philosophisches Problem«. 


the philosophy of mind and cognition research group at Osnabrück: